Plan du cours Image Codage Compression

TP et cours peuvent commencer la même semaine, le TP après le premier cours.

Cours de 2 heures
  1. Codage entiers, flottants, caractères, ...
  2. Quantité d'information, Huffman, ...
  3. Compression de signal, DCT sur le son, psycho acoustique
  4. Compression de texte : LZW, ...
  5. Codage des images, sons et modèles
  6. JPEG
  7. MPEG
  8. Compressions adaptées à la transmission
  9. FACS, CSLIP, Fractal, Anomalies, ...
Si du temps libre est disponible, des TD de correction des examens des années précédentes sont fait.
TP de 2 heures (ou 3)
  1. Manipulation de flots de bits
  2. Huffman et entiers de longueurs variables
  3. DCT sur le son
  4. Son : codage et décodage
  5. Psycho Acoustique
  6. Compression, Conversions, Qualité
  7. JPEG calcul et quantification
  8. JPEG codage/décodage
  9. JPEG codage/décodage

The ``Coding, Transmission and Compression´´ is about the basics of information coding of simple data types: integers, floats, characters, strings, times and dates, error correction codes, redundancy and more complex data as the trees, the sounds and the picture.

After this, the quantity of information is defined and used to study the classics entropy encoding algorithms: Shanon-Fano, Huffman, Arithmetic. These algorithms are extended to a stream of dependent events and so the dynamic encoding is introduced.

Thereafter classic dictionnary compression methods are detailed: LZ77, LZ78, LZW, Block Sorting.

The bases of signal compression are introduced: noise, continuity, prediction, loss of quality, modeling. The full MPEG Layer 3 sound encoding is explained: DCT, psycho acoustic, RLE, encoding. The same thing is done with JPEG and MPEG.

Other pictures compression methods are presented: wavelets, Gaussian/Laplacian, JBIG. And compression and coding on other types: topology and geometry, TCPIP, HTML (WAP, JavaScript)

For all the methods it is explained if the method is adapted for real time and progressive transmission over a network.

The practical work is to create a compressor/decompressor of sounds and images without using any external libraries or tools.

Last modified: Wed Nov 19 11:14:08 CET 2008